We have created a bespoke map of Ireland, courtesy of our brilliant illustrator on the Castle Gillian project – Laura Hallett. As long time fans of Laura’s beautuful illustrations, we reached out to her and asked whether she would make a special, isometric, map of Ireland for us.
The result is a fun and interactive journey around the four corners of the Emerald Isle where you can learn about things with a tourism focus as well as places and people that are important to the creative team of this musical.
Not least of these are the music hotspots on the map. Eventually I am going to do a complete breakdown of all the best Trad. Irish music pubs and venues in Ireland that you can visit on your next vacation. There a few iconic places included on this map, but there are far too many of them to have ‘hotspotted’ them all on the limited space available. If you think you’ve been unfairly left out, reach and I’ll find a way of including your fine establishment.
Visit our interactive map here.